Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jupiter Photo Gallery! (3)


Friday, June 19, 2009

New Zealand Photo Gallery! (2)

My father's write-up on this entry:
On March 2009, I spent a whole month in New Zealand, and in all I spent about 7 nights (total) to photograph the dark New Zealand sky. On about 3 nights the sky was so clear from 8pm to 6am the next day, and I spent the whole night observing and taking photos while the outside temperature was 6-8°C ! My fingers even turned stiff on one occasion. Dew is a big problem sometimes but the view of the sky there was excellent, which made everything worth it! I'll never regret it.

Enjoy the photos!

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New Zealand Photo Gallery! (1)

Constellations from the night sky in New Zealand. As can be seen, the view there is so much more better than Singapore's! Detailed photos of clusters coming up soon!
